onsdag den 19. august 2009
lørdag den 15. august 2009
I'm mad at Dan. In this moment he is on his way to Billund Airport, and what then? Then he is gonna take the airplane to Iceland, and he is staying for at least a half year. To be honest, I just think he should stay here with me! Watching Viva La Bam and Futurama.
I'm also mad at the Ratched & Clank-game for PS2, which I'm struggling with at the moment, because there is a water challenge, that I really can't overcome. Not right now, that's for sure. But, actually I'm mostly mad at the game, because it's stealing my attention completely. Dan actually came by half an hour ago, because he wanted to return something he borrowed for some time ago, and I didn't even noticed the door bell. I was playing Ratchet & Clank. So my mom just took the things, smiled and Dan took of. And I didn't say goodbye.
Thank you a lot, Ratchet & Clank!
Dan, take care. I'll miss you.
I'm also mad at the Ratched & Clank-game for PS2, which I'm struggling with at the moment, because there is a water challenge, that I really can't overcome. Not right now, that's for sure. But, actually I'm mostly mad at the game, because it's stealing my attention completely. Dan actually came by half an hour ago, because he wanted to return something he borrowed for some time ago, and I didn't even noticed the door bell. I was playing Ratchet & Clank. So my mom just took the things, smiled and Dan took of. And I didn't say goodbye.
Thank you a lot, Ratchet & Clank!
Dan, take care. I'll miss you.
torsdag den 13. august 2009
I'm so happy and I like to sing <'3
I'm dancing on roses at the moment!
Last time I wrote, I was on my way to Holland. And I can tell you, that the trip was great! Eventhoug it was RAINING FOR A WEEK STRAIGHT! Damn, the weather was horrible! Only the day we were in Amsterdam the weather was good... most of the day.
But, still a great trip. I love my scout group, they are such wonderfull people. And now I miss Holland again. I'm deffenitly going there again, some day.
I've also been in London, and I have to say, that London is the most wonderfull city I've ever been to! I lovelovelovelovelove London! I love my Union Jack-umbrella, I love my new Docs, I love all my pictures! All 300+ <3
But, that's all just talk. The reason why I'm natually high and dancing on those roses (without thorns!), is, that I'm back in school. Or high school. Or Gymnasium, as we call it. And my class is wonderfull! Really! Such a great bunch of people! And, if it continiuses like this, I'll look forward to the next three years.
We allready have so much fun, eventhoug we've only known each other for two days. And I'm all excited about tomorrow! Tomorrow is the first Fridays Café (Fredagscafé! ØL OG SOMERSBY!) and the winner of the song-challenge is beeing pronounced. I really hope we win. We deserved it! Our song was so cool! Nik & Jay ftw.
But now "I'll walk in my bed", as my mom once said. And you take care. AND DON'T TOUCH MY CLASSMATES! There gold <3
Good night, peeps.
Last time I wrote, I was on my way to Holland. And I can tell you, that the trip was great! Eventhoug it was RAINING FOR A WEEK STRAIGHT! Damn, the weather was horrible! Only the day we were in Amsterdam the weather was good... most of the day.
But, still a great trip. I love my scout group, they are such wonderfull people. And now I miss Holland again. I'm deffenitly going there again, some day.
I've also been in London, and I have to say, that London is the most wonderfull city I've ever been to! I lovelovelovelovelove London! I love my Union Jack-umbrella, I love my new Docs, I love all my pictures! All 300+ <3
But, that's all just talk. The reason why I'm natually high and dancing on those roses (without thorns!), is, that I'm back in school. Or high school. Or Gymnasium, as we call it. And my class is wonderfull! Really! Such a great bunch of people! And, if it continiuses like this, I'll look forward to the next three years.
We allready have so much fun, eventhoug we've only known each other for two days. And I'm all excited about tomorrow! Tomorrow is the first Fridays Café (Fredagscafé! ØL OG SOMERSBY!) and the winner of the song-challenge is beeing pronounced. I really hope we win. We deserved it! Our song was so cool! Nik & Jay ftw.
But now "I'll walk in my bed", as my mom once said. And you take care. AND DON'T TOUCH MY CLASSMATES! There gold <3
Good night, peeps.
fredag den 17. juli 2009
Flower, blossom, floral, purple
"Have you seen my hibiscus'? Aren't they pretty this year?"
I can just manage, that my mom wants me to see all her flowers in the garden. And I agree, they are pretty. Especially the red ones at the terrace is beautifull.
But! Why is it, that when you talk about flowers, the names of the colours is been... like, changed? She points at one of her plants (what the hell is a sommerfuglebusk called in English!?) and goes "Oh, the black one is really big by now."
My only comment is "It's not black. It's purple."
"... Maybe a little, but it's ALMOST black!"
"... It's dark purple, mom."
She haves a lot of those bushes. She also haves a red one, she claimes. It's purple too. And the light blue... yeah, it's kinda light blue, but it's purple. I'm sorry to say, mom.
The best thing about it is, that mom hates the colour purple (not the movie, but the actual colour), and I think that is why she wants it to be... not purple.
And I am going to Holland tomorrow! Whoohoo!
So take care of each other, when I'm not arround to do it. It's an order.
I can just manage, that my mom wants me to see all her flowers in the garden. And I agree, they are pretty. Especially the red ones at the terrace is beautifull.
But! Why is it, that when you talk about flowers, the names of the colours is been... like, changed? She points at one of her plants (what the hell is a sommerfuglebusk called in English!?) and goes "Oh, the black one is really big by now."
My only comment is "It's not black. It's purple."
"... Maybe a little, but it's ALMOST black!"
"... It's dark purple, mom."
She haves a lot of those bushes. She also haves a red one, she claimes. It's purple too. And the light blue... yeah, it's kinda light blue, but it's purple. I'm sorry to say, mom.
The best thing about it is, that mom hates the colour purple (not the movie, but the actual colour), and I think that is why she wants it to be... not purple.
And I am going to Holland tomorrow! Whoohoo!
So take care of each other, when I'm not arround to do it. It's an order.
søndag den 5. juli 2009
Where am I?
No no no! Don't answer! It was a rhetorical question! I know where I am. I'm sitting in my room watching America's Got Talent, but to be honnest, I have a hard time beliving, that I am in Denmark.
Last week I was at summercamp with one of my Scout groups. And the weather was beautiful. There wasn't a single cloud at the sky, and the average temperature was about 29 derees Celcius. THAT DOESN'T HAPPEN THAT OFTEN IN DENMARK! Seriously; when I was standing at Fjellerup Beach, looking at the sand and the deep, blue water, I had a hard time beliving, that I wasn't in the Caribbean.
If we look through all the mosquito bites (we're talking 40+) and the fact, that my arms and legs are sunburned as hell, I am enjoying the weather and especially my holiday. So far my holiday have been great, with summercamp, beaches, Jackass-marathon and Beaver. And there's lots of good stuff to come.
Hell yeah, baby <3
That's all for now. Now we'll wait for the next time I think, that I have something exciting to tell. Until then, take care. Or else you end up like me; read as a lobster and skin that hurts. If I complained about sunburning after the last day of school, I am sorry. It was nothing. This, is painfull!
I'm out :D
Last week I was at summercamp with one of my Scout groups. And the weather was beautiful. There wasn't a single cloud at the sky, and the average temperature was about 29 derees Celcius. THAT DOESN'T HAPPEN THAT OFTEN IN DENMARK! Seriously; when I was standing at Fjellerup Beach, looking at the sand and the deep, blue water, I had a hard time beliving, that I wasn't in the Caribbean.
If we look through all the mosquito bites (we're talking 40+) and the fact, that my arms and legs are sunburned as hell, I am enjoying the weather and especially my holiday. So far my holiday have been great, with summercamp, beaches, Jackass-marathon and Beaver. And there's lots of good stuff to come.
Hell yeah, baby <3
That's all for now. Now we'll wait for the next time I think, that I have something exciting to tell. Until then, take care. Or else you end up like me; read as a lobster and skin that hurts. If I complained about sunburning after the last day of school, I am sorry. It was nothing. This, is painfull!
I'm out :D
torsdag den 25. juni 2009
You are what you're eating ~
Sadly. It would be so much more fun, if you were what you were watching. Like, in the television.
Then I would be a top model, chef, doctor, tattoo artist, judge, comedian and cartoon character. And that would look so much better on my papers + it would probably be way easier to get a cool job. I'm so happy, 'cause I have four weeks off, before I have to go back to work. Oh yeah <3
... By the way, I am rye bread with choped liver and chocolate milk.
Take care <3
Then I would be a top model, chef, doctor, tattoo artist, judge, comedian and cartoon character. And that would look so much better on my papers + it would probably be way easier to get a cool job. I'm so happy, 'cause I have four weeks off, before I have to go back to work. Oh yeah <3
... By the way, I am rye bread with choped liver and chocolate milk.
Take care <3
fredag den 19. juni 2009
There's nothing to say ~
~ I really don't have anything new to tell you, I just felt like updating my blog because... Yeah, why not?
But okay, if I have to tell you something; I have been doing great in my exams so far. With the grades I've got I can conclude, that I know how to talk. And I can do it in three different languages! Wow. But - there's allways a but - on monday I have my last exam, and it happens to be math. And to be honnest; I can barely add two and two, without using a calculator.
Oh well, life sucks, ne? :3
And then I've started being really excited about the Harry Potter-series. Wedensday my scoutgroup decidet to do a small Harry Potter-moviemarathon, or, you could also say, that we watched the 4th and the 5th movie.
I really love the Harry Potter-universe, I'm inpressed with J.K. Rowlings crativity, but I have to say, that I several times hit Mathies for saying "Oh, that is SO MUCH better in the book!" or "No, really? That's not like that in the book!". Or just something like that. I've had the first three books for about eight years now, but I've never read a single one of them. I have allways just watched the movies instead.
But yesterday I decied to finally read them, so I started from scratched and is now reading Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone. I've reads 150 pages so far.
~ And I'm also reading Michael Laudrups Tænder at the same time, and there I've read about 110 pages. Please, be proud of me!
... Well, I'm out. I'm busy with my HP game for my PS1.
Take care <3
But okay, if I have to tell you something; I have been doing great in my exams so far. With the grades I've got I can conclude, that I know how to talk. And I can do it in three different languages! Wow. But - there's allways a but - on monday I have my last exam, and it happens to be math. And to be honnest; I can barely add two and two, without using a calculator.
Oh well, life sucks, ne? :3
And then I've started being really excited about the Harry Potter-series. Wedensday my scoutgroup decidet to do a small Harry Potter-moviemarathon, or, you could also say, that we watched the 4th and the 5th movie.
I really love the Harry Potter-universe, I'm inpressed with J.K. Rowlings crativity, but I have to say, that I several times hit Mathies for saying "Oh, that is SO MUCH better in the book!" or "No, really? That's not like that in the book!". Or just something like that. I've had the first three books for about eight years now, but I've never read a single one of them. I have allways just watched the movies instead.
But yesterday I decied to finally read them, so I started from scratched and is now reading Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone. I've reads 150 pages so far.
~ And I'm also reading Michael Laudrups Tænder at the same time, and there I've read about 110 pages. Please, be proud of me!
... Well, I'm out. I'm busy with my HP game for my PS1.
Take care <3
søndag den 31. maj 2009
I liked may ~
~ but my liver didn't.
Hey dudes. I promised an update in the end of the month, and if this isn't the end of the month, I don't know what is.
Well, I'll tell you about all the things I've done, since my last post.
The 15th me and F'er took the train to Roskilde, because our friend, Ande, was celebating her 18th birthday. And F'er and I brouth our dolls with us - people looked at us with wondering eyes. But they looked more at the dolls. It was pretty funny. There were to buisness-guys sitting next to us, talking somekind of computer geek-language. I really didn't understand any of it, only the words 'Windows' and 'Microsft'. But when they had to leave the train, they looked at us and said "cute dolls", and F'er and I smiled.
Well, we arrived in Roskilde and occupied Ande's room. I mean, her room isn't that big, and there is deffinitly not space for that many people to sleep! And after the party we had to be four people in there.
Talking about the party; it was so much fun! There was a theme; The people we like to hate. I was dressed as Asian Sensation! And F'er was Anni Fønsby. I seriously love this picture we took, eventhough it's taken after I washed my face. I was painted brown, you know XD
... Btw; I ended up sleeping against a guy dressed like Amin Jensen's shoulder.
What else have I been up to? Oh yeah, we had a reunion party for all the people, who went to Langelinies Skole in 7th, 8th and 9th grade and started in school the year of 1998. It was really great to see everybody again! I've missed some of them horribly.
I don't have anything to say about that. Only that Jonas' try to get me drunk didn't went as good as he hoped, I ended up holding a bag for Danny so he had a place to puke, Beaver stole a lantern, Daniel and Martin ended in a fight, witch made 2xRikke cry. But I looked really pretty that night!
And last, but not least, we celebrated the last day of school friday. I was one of the best days in my life! We had so much fun - both in school, at the river (that's what google translate calls 'åen'. A river) and afterwards in the house we borrowed from Benjamins grandparents. I've never tried to be drunk in 'waves' before, but I can highly recormand it.
Now my face is red as a boiled lobster and the skin is peeled of on my nose. I bzthe in After Sun at the moment, and 2/3 of my forehead is red two. The last part is white and pale because of my bangs. Can it be better? No XD
But you deserve some pictures, you just have to click them yourself.
I was drunk and had splifs in my hair (I counted 37 when I came home), we builded a tower from some of the empty cans - and then we just enjoyed each others company <3
And all of this just because we didn't went to Jellinge Musikfestival!
Oh well, that's all for now. Me and StickyCow will see some more Viva La Bam and eat fromage.
And you'll take care!
Hey dudes. I promised an update in the end of the month, and if this isn't the end of the month, I don't know what is.
Well, I'll tell you about all the things I've done, since my last post.
The 15th me and F'er took the train to Roskilde, because our friend, Ande, was celebating her 18th birthday. And F'er and I brouth our dolls with us - people looked at us with wondering eyes. But they looked more at the dolls. It was pretty funny. There were to buisness-guys sitting next to us, talking somekind of computer geek-language. I really didn't understand any of it, only the words 'Windows' and 'Microsft'. But when they had to leave the train, they looked at us and said "cute dolls", and F'er and I smiled.
Well, we arrived in Roskilde and occupied Ande's room. I mean, her room isn't that big, and there is deffinitly not space for that many people to sleep! And after the party we had to be four people in there.
Talking about the party; it was so much fun! There was a theme; The people we like to hate. I was dressed as Asian Sensation! And F'er was Anni Fønsby. I seriously love this picture we took, eventhough it's taken after I washed my face. I was painted brown, you know XD
... Btw; I ended up sleeping against a guy dressed like Amin Jensen's shoulder.
What else have I been up to? Oh yeah, we had a reunion party for all the people, who went to Langelinies Skole in 7th, 8th and 9th grade and started in school the year of 1998. It was really great to see everybody again! I've missed some of them horribly.
I don't have anything to say about that. Only that Jonas' try to get me drunk didn't went as good as he hoped, I ended up holding a bag for Danny so he had a place to puke, Beaver stole a lantern, Daniel and Martin ended in a fight, witch made 2xRikke cry. But I looked really pretty that night!
And last, but not least, we celebrated the last day of school friday. I was one of the best days in my life! We had so much fun - both in school, at the river (that's what google translate calls 'åen'. A river) and afterwards in the house we borrowed from Benjamins grandparents. I've never tried to be drunk in 'waves' before, but I can highly recormand it.
Now my face is red as a boiled lobster and the skin is peeled of on my nose. I bzthe in After Sun at the moment, and 2/3 of my forehead is red two. The last part is white and pale because of my bangs. Can it be better? No XD
But you deserve some pictures, you just have to click them yourself.
I was drunk and had splifs in my hair (I counted 37 when I came home), we builded a tower from some of the empty cans - and then we just enjoyed each others company <3
And all of this just because we didn't went to Jellinge Musikfestival!
Oh well, that's all for now. Me and StickyCow will see some more Viva La Bam and eat fromage.
And you'll take care!
onsdag den 13. maj 2009
It's been a month ~
~ since my last post. And I apologize for that. I wanted to post some things long time ago, but found out I had to make a Google-account to get access to my blog, and I didn't really like that. Espectially not after watching an episode of SPAM some time ago. It was about how Google can use all our informations to things like sort which kind of advertising they shall send us, and how they have the rights to keep all our informations uptil 9 months, or something like that, because they're kept under the American laws.
But, I don't complain. It's really not that big of a deal, I just couldn't get myself to do it. I'm to lazy, I think.
... What else? Well, I've been to four out of eight exsams already, I've cutted my hair myself, because I hate hairdressers, and walked 37 km. in two days with the scouts. I have some great pictures from the trip on my Facebook.
And now I'll take of. I have some plans for an update at the end of this month, so we'll wait and se. So now I am gonna take a shower - I do that sometimes.
Take care, folks, or we will all get annihilated!
But, I don't complain. It's really not that big of a deal, I just couldn't get myself to do it. I'm to lazy, I think.
... What else? Well, I've been to four out of eight exsams already, I've cutted my hair myself, because I hate hairdressers, and walked 37 km. in two days with the scouts. I have some great pictures from the trip on my Facebook.
And now I'll take of. I have some plans for an update at the end of this month, so we'll wait and se. So now I am gonna take a shower - I do that sometimes.
Take care, folks, or we will all get annihilated!
mandag den 13. april 2009
Happy Easter ~
Yes, I know. Easter is over, I'm to late. To bad, ne?
But, I've had a great Easter holiday. I've been working for a couple of days, and eventhoug my work isn't thay exciting, I had the time to take some extra hours, and it hopefully pays of. I know I wrote some time ago about all the things I would like yo buy, but right know I ows my mom over 2000, so maybe I should concentrade of giving her the money back? Yes.
And then I had Lisa over. I thing we've playd PS1 for four days straight. Or, almost, then. And then we have watched some Digimon Adventure and read a lot on DigiWiki. I can highly recormmend it. Lisa and I could also agree on, that the ugliest name in the world have to be Johnny Brian Abrahamsen-Mikkelsen.
So, no more for today. I haven't anything smart to say anyways. But I still wants to give you all an Easter greeting, eventhoug it's a little to late.
Here's a little pixel I made for the holiday.

I hope you all had a great Easter. Take care, people. See you on the other side. Of what I don't know.
But, I've had a great Easter holiday. I've been working for a couple of days, and eventhoug my work isn't thay exciting, I had the time to take some extra hours, and it hopefully pays of. I know I wrote some time ago about all the things I would like yo buy, but right know I ows my mom over 2000, so maybe I should concentrade of giving her the money back? Yes.
And then I had Lisa over. I thing we've playd PS1 for four days straight. Or, almost, then. And then we have watched some Digimon Adventure and read a lot on DigiWiki. I can highly recormmend it. Lisa and I could also agree on, that the ugliest name in the world have to be Johnny Brian Abrahamsen-Mikkelsen.
So, no more for today. I haven't anything smart to say anyways. But I still wants to give you all an Easter greeting, eventhoug it's a little to late.
Here's a little pixel I made for the holiday.

I hope you all had a great Easter. Take care, people. See you on the other side. Of what I don't know.
mandag den 6. april 2009
How to enjoy yourself, while you're waiting for the bus
Well, I spend to much of my time waiting for the bus. When I'm at a station, it's okay, because there's usually people to talk with. Classmates, cousins, frinds - someone.
But! If you, like me, sometimes have to wait at a bus stop, in the middle of fucking no-where, it's good to have some ideas for games and ... enjoyness(!?)
So, now I'll try to give you some ideas. Or at least tell you, what I usually do.
First I would like to say; God praise the cellphone. Ofcause it would be esay just to call one of your friens or write them a text message, but that's no fun. But, if your cellphone has a recorder, you can sing Help by yourself - both McCartney AND Lennons voice! I actually have a recording of it on my cellphone, or, I have of one of the voices. And then I sing the other one, while playing the first one! That's more fun than it sounds.
If your cellphone can't record, then it hopefully have a camera! I have way to many pictures at myself, waiting for the bus in the middle of fucking no-where. But, there is some benefits; 1) There's no one to disturb you. 2) There's no one to laugh at you ('cause yeah, everyone looks stupid while taking pictures of themselves!). 3) somethimes the environment is beautifull. Or at least pretty.
... On the other hand; if your cellphone runs out of power, then you're screwed. Guess what happened for me today >.> But then there came a boy, or a girl. To be honest, I couldn't se the gender. So instead of recording or taking pictures, I sat for a quater looking at this thing, trying to guess if it was a he or she. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is also a good way to spend your time.
Take care. And hey! Happy Easter!

But! If you, like me, sometimes have to wait at a bus stop, in the middle of fucking no-where, it's good to have some ideas for games and ... enjoyness(!?)
So, now I'll try to give you some ideas. Or at least tell you, what I usually do.
First I would like to say; God praise the cellphone. Ofcause it would be esay just to call one of your friens or write them a text message, but that's no fun. But, if your cellphone has a recorder, you can sing Help by yourself - both McCartney AND Lennons voice! I actually have a recording of it on my cellphone, or, I have of one of the voices. And then I sing the other one, while playing the first one! That's more fun than it sounds.
If your cellphone can't record, then it hopefully have a camera! I have way to many pictures at myself, waiting for the bus in the middle of fucking no-where. But, there is some benefits; 1) There's no one to disturb you. 2) There's no one to laugh at you ('cause yeah, everyone looks stupid while taking pictures of themselves!). 3) somethimes the environment is beautifull. Or at least pretty.
... On the other hand; if your cellphone runs out of power, then you're screwed. Guess what happened for me today >.> But then there came a boy, or a girl. To be honest, I couldn't se the gender. So instead of recording or taking pictures, I sat for a quater looking at this thing, trying to guess if it was a he or she. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is also a good way to spend your time.
Take care. And hey! Happy Easter!
onsdag den 1. april 2009
When I get money again ~
~ I have a lot of stuff I want to buy. So I'll make a list, while I'm waiting for this Smosh-video to finish loading.
I want to buy;
♠ A Jeffree Star Will Kill You-t-shirt.
♠ Smosh-t-shirts.
♠ A dress.
♠ A pair of Ina Magura boots.
♠ Benjamin a pizza.
♠ Pants. And shorts.
♠ Some dvds.
♠ Birthday gifts.
♠ Things when I am going to Hamburg.
♠ Tickets to some stand-up shows in Torvehallerne.
I'm glad it's pay day tomorrow <3
Take care, people, or I kill you. I mean, Jeffree Star will. Fuck.
I want to buy;
♠ A Jeffree Star Will Kill You-t-shirt.
♠ Smosh-t-shirts.
♠ A dress.
♠ A pair of Ina Magura boots.
♠ Benjamin a pizza.
♠ Pants. And shorts.
♠ Some dvds.
♠ Birthday gifts.
♠ Things when I am going to Hamburg.
♠ Tickets to some stand-up shows in Torvehallerne.
I'm glad it's pay day tomorrow <3
Take care, people, or I kill you. I mean, Jeffree Star will. Fuck.
fredag den 27. marts 2009
lørdag den 21. marts 2009
Anarcho- nihilistic People's party
Hey everybody! I hope you have a great weekend. I am cleaning up my room so it's ready for next weekend. Or, I'm not cleaning it right now, because right now I'm sitting here, writing this blog and listening to elektro pop-music, but I was cleaning before - you know what I mean.
But! What I attented to do was to do a little commericial for Anarcho-nihilistic People's party (Anarkonihilistisk Folkeparti), or ANF for short. Our job in school was to make our own political party. I think everybody expected me to do an extreme leftorienteted party, like pure communism, or something like that. But instead the group and I was doing an extrem rightorienteted party, which belives in the total destruction of all mankind and with rootes in the nihilism and the anarkism.
ANF wants to overthrow the government, wants nuclear weapons for the people, self-medication, wants a 0-child policy and things like that. To say it in an other way; ANF hates everybody. You, me, themselves. Therefore they have this great motto saying; Fuck you, fuck us, fuck everybody.
I am already looking forward to our speak to the nation. People are gonna hate us :D
Well, take care and enjoy your weekend.
- And remember my birthday in six days!
But! What I attented to do was to do a little commericial for Anarcho-nihilistic People's party (Anarkonihilistisk Folkeparti), or ANF for short. Our job in school was to make our own political party. I think everybody expected me to do an extreme leftorienteted party, like pure communism, or something like that. But instead the group and I was doing an extrem rightorienteted party, which belives in the total destruction of all mankind and with rootes in the nihilism and the anarkism.
ANF wants to overthrow the government, wants nuclear weapons for the people, self-medication, wants a 0-child policy and things like that. To say it in an other way; ANF hates everybody. You, me, themselves. Therefore they have this great motto saying; Fuck you, fuck us, fuck everybody.
I am already looking forward to our speak to the nation. People are gonna hate us :D
Well, take care and enjoy your weekend.
- And remember my birthday in six days!
onsdag den 18. marts 2009
Gay-adoption and electoral age
And while Beaver (from I've Got A Cat Named Sophie) is writing about gay adoptions (biw; I can only say, that I agree with her), I'll write about the electoral age.
In Denmark you have to be 18 to vote. And it has been like that for 30 years. Before 1978 you'd have to be 21 to vote. And I think it's about time, that we reduce it to 16.
There is lots of arguments: The average Dane is 16,1 years of age, when they leave the folkeskole, and in the laws stated by the Danish goverment about the folkeskole (the Danish basic school with studens from 5 - 16 years of age in 0. - 9. grade), is says that the purpose of the school is to educate the studens to learn about democracy, partcipation, responsibility, rights and duties. All the things you need to be a good and well functioned citizen in the Danish society. So by saying that people doesn't know enough about the society in the age of 16, it's like saying our schools is crap and our teachers can't teach.
At the same time; in the age of 16 I can bye liqour, I can pay taxes and go to jail. I can even drive a tractor or a moped. But I'm not allowed to tell who I would like as my prime minister. That is completely fair, or?
"But many teenagers would just vote the same as their parents!"
83 percent of the youths have a oppinion about how Denmark should evolve. And 85 percent have a interrest in how we solve issues in the society. And those people would also be able to make there own oppinion about who they would vote at.
And if 16-year-olds got the right to vote, the parties would do more to bring there messenges to the young people and they would make there messenges more readable.
And I want to qoute a great dude;
"You have the right to vote - it's not a duty."
For the Danes; www.duf.dk - there's lots of stuff about 16-års Valgret.
But hey, take care :)
In Denmark you have to be 18 to vote. And it has been like that for 30 years. Before 1978 you'd have to be 21 to vote. And I think it's about time, that we reduce it to 16.
There is lots of arguments: The average Dane is 16,1 years of age, when they leave the folkeskole, and in the laws stated by the Danish goverment about the folkeskole (the Danish basic school with studens from 5 - 16 years of age in 0. - 9. grade), is says that the purpose of the school is to educate the studens to learn about democracy, partcipation, responsibility, rights and duties. All the things you need to be a good and well functioned citizen in the Danish society. So by saying that people doesn't know enough about the society in the age of 16, it's like saying our schools is crap and our teachers can't teach.
At the same time; in the age of 16 I can bye liqour, I can pay taxes and go to jail. I can even drive a tractor or a moped. But I'm not allowed to tell who I would like as my prime minister. That is completely fair, or?
"But many teenagers would just vote the same as their parents!"
83 percent of the youths have a oppinion about how Denmark should evolve. And 85 percent have a interrest in how we solve issues in the society. And those people would also be able to make there own oppinion about who they would vote at.
And if 16-year-olds got the right to vote, the parties would do more to bring there messenges to the young people and they would make there messenges more readable.
And I want to qoute a great dude;
"You have the right to vote - it's not a duty."
For the Danes; www.duf.dk - there's lots of stuff about 16-års Valgret.
But hey, take care :)

Why isn't this purple with glitter?
Sorry, I don't know. But I know so many other things. I know that you don't have bursitis, until you turn around six (and if bursitis isn't a word, don't blame me. I was using Google Translate, at it says, that 'knæskal' is bursitis.)
But hey! I wan't you to see this; I've Got A Cat Named Sophie, it's my friends blog. We call her Beaver, but her name is Emilie. And she doesn't have a cat names Sophie, but that you can read about in her blog.
I just want to tell you, that her blog is a great supplement to your breakfast; print it out, rip it apart and spread it over your cereal. Or glue it on the box. I swear you will feel so much better :D
... That's all, folks.
Take care of each other. And the ducks.
But hey! I wan't you to see this; I've Got A Cat Named Sophie, it's my friends blog. We call her Beaver, but her name is Emilie. And she doesn't have a cat names Sophie, but that you can read about in her blog.
I just want to tell you, that her blog is a great supplement to your breakfast; print it out, rip it apart and spread it over your cereal. Or glue it on the box. I swear you will feel so much better :D
... That's all, folks.
Take care of each other. And the ducks.
Nuclear Bomb Sale - We don't sell anything
Yes, now with a blog.
Hello everybody. How are you? Good. I would like to say welcome to my blog, Nuclear Bomb Sale. Why the name? It's a long story, we are gonna take that another day. I could also have named it Nuclear Swane Sale, but I think this was cooler. I don't know.
But, as long as the goverment leaves me alone, it's fine. And if Osama can be a regular customer, I'm happy. I like to mingle with the stars.
Anyway, I'll see you on the other side, folks. As long as you bring champagne.
Take care!
Hello everybody. How are you? Good. I would like to say welcome to my blog, Nuclear Bomb Sale. Why the name? It's a long story, we are gonna take that another day. I could also have named it Nuclear Swane Sale, but I think this was cooler. I don't know.
But, as long as the goverment leaves me alone, it's fine. And if Osama can be a regular customer, I'm happy. I like to mingle with the stars.
Anyway, I'll see you on the other side, folks. As long as you bring champagne.
Take care!

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