Yes, I'm seventeen.
Congrats :) <3
fredag den 27. marts 2009
lørdag den 21. marts 2009
Anarcho- nihilistic People's party
Hey everybody! I hope you have a great weekend. I am cleaning up my room so it's ready for next weekend. Or, I'm not cleaning it right now, because right now I'm sitting here, writing this blog and listening to elektro pop-music, but I was cleaning before - you know what I mean.
But! What I attented to do was to do a little commericial for Anarcho-nihilistic People's party (Anarkonihilistisk Folkeparti), or ANF for short. Our job in school was to make our own political party. I think everybody expected me to do an extreme leftorienteted party, like pure communism, or something like that. But instead the group and I was doing an extrem rightorienteted party, which belives in the total destruction of all mankind and with rootes in the nihilism and the anarkism.
ANF wants to overthrow the government, wants nuclear weapons for the people, self-medication, wants a 0-child policy and things like that. To say it in an other way; ANF hates everybody. You, me, themselves. Therefore they have this great motto saying; Fuck you, fuck us, fuck everybody.
I am already looking forward to our speak to the nation. People are gonna hate us :D
Well, take care and enjoy your weekend.
- And remember my birthday in six days!
But! What I attented to do was to do a little commericial for Anarcho-nihilistic People's party (Anarkonihilistisk Folkeparti), or ANF for short. Our job in school was to make our own political party. I think everybody expected me to do an extreme leftorienteted party, like pure communism, or something like that. But instead the group and I was doing an extrem rightorienteted party, which belives in the total destruction of all mankind and with rootes in the nihilism and the anarkism.
ANF wants to overthrow the government, wants nuclear weapons for the people, self-medication, wants a 0-child policy and things like that. To say it in an other way; ANF hates everybody. You, me, themselves. Therefore they have this great motto saying; Fuck you, fuck us, fuck everybody.
I am already looking forward to our speak to the nation. People are gonna hate us :D
Well, take care and enjoy your weekend.
- And remember my birthday in six days!
onsdag den 18. marts 2009
Gay-adoption and electoral age
And while Beaver (from I've Got A Cat Named Sophie) is writing about gay adoptions (biw; I can only say, that I agree with her), I'll write about the electoral age.
In Denmark you have to be 18 to vote. And it has been like that for 30 years. Before 1978 you'd have to be 21 to vote. And I think it's about time, that we reduce it to 16.
There is lots of arguments: The average Dane is 16,1 years of age, when they leave the folkeskole, and in the laws stated by the Danish goverment about the folkeskole (the Danish basic school with studens from 5 - 16 years of age in 0. - 9. grade), is says that the purpose of the school is to educate the studens to learn about democracy, partcipation, responsibility, rights and duties. All the things you need to be a good and well functioned citizen in the Danish society. So by saying that people doesn't know enough about the society in the age of 16, it's like saying our schools is crap and our teachers can't teach.
At the same time; in the age of 16 I can bye liqour, I can pay taxes and go to jail. I can even drive a tractor or a moped. But I'm not allowed to tell who I would like as my prime minister. That is completely fair, or?
"But many teenagers would just vote the same as their parents!"
83 percent of the youths have a oppinion about how Denmark should evolve. And 85 percent have a interrest in how we solve issues in the society. And those people would also be able to make there own oppinion about who they would vote at.
And if 16-year-olds got the right to vote, the parties would do more to bring there messenges to the young people and they would make there messenges more readable.
And I want to qoute a great dude;
"You have the right to vote - it's not a duty."
For the Danes; - there's lots of stuff about 16-års Valgret.
But hey, take care :)
In Denmark you have to be 18 to vote. And it has been like that for 30 years. Before 1978 you'd have to be 21 to vote. And I think it's about time, that we reduce it to 16.
There is lots of arguments: The average Dane is 16,1 years of age, when they leave the folkeskole, and in the laws stated by the Danish goverment about the folkeskole (the Danish basic school with studens from 5 - 16 years of age in 0. - 9. grade), is says that the purpose of the school is to educate the studens to learn about democracy, partcipation, responsibility, rights and duties. All the things you need to be a good and well functioned citizen in the Danish society. So by saying that people doesn't know enough about the society in the age of 16, it's like saying our schools is crap and our teachers can't teach.
At the same time; in the age of 16 I can bye liqour, I can pay taxes and go to jail. I can even drive a tractor or a moped. But I'm not allowed to tell who I would like as my prime minister. That is completely fair, or?
"But many teenagers would just vote the same as their parents!"
83 percent of the youths have a oppinion about how Denmark should evolve. And 85 percent have a interrest in how we solve issues in the society. And those people would also be able to make there own oppinion about who they would vote at.
And if 16-year-olds got the right to vote, the parties would do more to bring there messenges to the young people and they would make there messenges more readable.
And I want to qoute a great dude;
"You have the right to vote - it's not a duty."
For the Danes; - there's lots of stuff about 16-års Valgret.
But hey, take care :)

Why isn't this purple with glitter?
Sorry, I don't know. But I know so many other things. I know that you don't have bursitis, until you turn around six (and if bursitis isn't a word, don't blame me. I was using Google Translate, at it says, that 'knæskal' is bursitis.)
But hey! I wan't you to see this; I've Got A Cat Named Sophie, it's my friends blog. We call her Beaver, but her name is Emilie. And she doesn't have a cat names Sophie, but that you can read about in her blog.
I just want to tell you, that her blog is a great supplement to your breakfast; print it out, rip it apart and spread it over your cereal. Or glue it on the box. I swear you will feel so much better :D
... That's all, folks.
Take care of each other. And the ducks.
But hey! I wan't you to see this; I've Got A Cat Named Sophie, it's my friends blog. We call her Beaver, but her name is Emilie. And she doesn't have a cat names Sophie, but that you can read about in her blog.
I just want to tell you, that her blog is a great supplement to your breakfast; print it out, rip it apart and spread it over your cereal. Or glue it on the box. I swear you will feel so much better :D
... That's all, folks.
Take care of each other. And the ducks.
Nuclear Bomb Sale - We don't sell anything
Yes, now with a blog.
Hello everybody. How are you? Good. I would like to say welcome to my blog, Nuclear Bomb Sale. Why the name? It's a long story, we are gonna take that another day. I could also have named it Nuclear Swane Sale, but I think this was cooler. I don't know.
But, as long as the goverment leaves me alone, it's fine. And if Osama can be a regular customer, I'm happy. I like to mingle with the stars.
Anyway, I'll see you on the other side, folks. As long as you bring champagne.
Take care!
Hello everybody. How are you? Good. I would like to say welcome to my blog, Nuclear Bomb Sale. Why the name? It's a long story, we are gonna take that another day. I could also have named it Nuclear Swane Sale, but I think this was cooler. I don't know.
But, as long as the goverment leaves me alone, it's fine. And if Osama can be a regular customer, I'm happy. I like to mingle with the stars.
Anyway, I'll see you on the other side, folks. As long as you bring champagne.
Take care!

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