But, I've had a great Easter holiday. I've been working for a couple of days, and eventhoug my work isn't thay exciting, I had the time to take some extra hours, and it hopefully pays of. I know I wrote some time ago about all the things I would like yo buy, but right know I ows my mom over 2000, so maybe I should concentrade of giving her the money back? Yes.
And then I had Lisa over. I thing we've playd PS1 for four days straight. Or, almost, then. And then we have watched some Digimon Adventure and read a lot on DigiWiki. I can highly recormmend it. Lisa and I could also agree on, that the ugliest name in the world have to be Johnny Brian Abrahamsen-Mikkelsen.
So, no more for today. I haven't anything smart to say anyways. But I still wants to give you all an Easter greeting, eventhoug it's a little to late.
Here's a little pixel I made for the holiday.

I hope you all had a great Easter. Take care, people. See you on the other side. Of what I don't know.